Sunday, February 19, 2017

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Ep. 44 Thoughts

Like I said before, I don't do episode reviews anymore due to time constraints, but I'm making this episode of Iron-Blooded Orphans an exception as it nears the end of its 2nd Season.

I shed a bit of tears in this episode of IBO. This is mainly because for Tekkadan it is probably their last battle, and yet they are both outnumbered and outgunned. So we know not all of them are going to make it. There are 8 known pilots within Tekkadan (9 if we include Orga). I can't help but sense a vibe from the movie Seven Samurai with the team and feel we would lose at least half of them. I have grown quite an attachment to the group and it will be seriously gut wrenching for any of them to bite the dust.

I know screenwriter Mari Okada loves tragedy, but for once I do want her to give Mika and Atra a happy ending. Mika at the very least is showing some signs of humanity as he expresses his own feelings for Atra. Kudelia appears to have finally accepted letting Atra take Mika while she fully concentrates on her company. Surprised she hasn't taken Makanai's offer yet, but the possibility is still there.

The only thing I didn't like is that whoever controls Bael controls Gjallarhorn. I am with Rustal on this in that it is entirely not practical that a leader of a faction is chosen in that manner and expect everyone to follow him without question. This is the far future after all, not King Arthur's time period.

On the other hand, Gjallarhorn's system has been through tradition for over 300 years. So to break the tradition would also mean breaking the system. It was wise for the other Seven Stars to declare neutrality and let McGillis and Rustal settle the fight themselves. All of these are an ode to the Earth Federation/Zeon conflict from the very first Gundam series and its related stories, as both sides are known to pull a bunch of atrocities for their cause, making you really think hard on who you side with.

I would assume this will be the last time we see Almiria. I'm ok with this, as the series barely did anything to her character. Though had McGillis decided to have her under Mika's custody, that would make some interesting stories on how Almiria would interact with someone like him and the rest of Tekkadan.

You know, I never had this strong of a feeling in a Gundam series for a very long time, with the last one being the first Build Fighters, as well as War in The Pocket much much earlier. I am personally this close to giving IBO not just a full five out of five, but would declare it as the greatest Gundam series of all time. It's all the matter of how these final episodes will be turning out.

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