Sunday, October 9, 2016

Dragon Ball Super Episode 61 Thoughts

My head can't stop spinning on who Black really is because of the loopholes regarding Time Paradoxes. Basically what happens is that because Black wears the Time Ring, he is safe from the paradox of being erased because his past self was killed by Beerus. This suggests that the Zamasu who is Black is from the Prime Timeline. Further evidence of this is Black revealing that the body of Goku Zamasu swapped with is the one before the events of Battle of Gods.

After killing Chichi and Goten, Black used the Time Ring to enter the Future Trunks timeline and allied himself with that timeline's Zamasu. Considering this timeline is the only one where Future Trunks is the only Z-Fighter, it was likely the timeline chosen by the Zamasus to attack.

When I think about it, Black and Zamasu should've attacked the 3rd Timeline instead where Cell came from, as they were no Z-Fighters there at all since the Trunks there was already killed, and they can easily fulfill their Zero Mortals Plan as there's no one to oppose them there other than perhaps Majin Buu. Obviously, the decision to attack the Future Trunks timeline was a creative decision for the sake of forming a narrative, than a practical one.

Black and Future Zamasu stated that to assure no one opposes them, they killed ALL the Kaioshin and Hakaishin in all the 13 universes of the Future Trunks timeline. This begs the question as to what became of Whis, Vados, and the other guardians of the Hakaishin, as well as the High Priest, and ultimately, the Omni-King. I get the impression that the Future Trunks's timeline has its own Omni-King existing there, as opposed to the idea of the Prime Omni-King having dominion on all timelines, in addtion to the 13 universes.

Goku was a disappointment. Normally he would get an extreme power-boost, if not a new power-up form, if someone he has close ties with dies. Knowing the deaths of Chichi and Goten would've made him expand his power to beyond Super Saiyan Blue, but instead, it was just pure rage that has no ill effect on Black. This at least goes with Toriyama's statments in several intereviews that he doesn't want Goku to reach the level of power as Beerus for the nuance.

Instead, a new power-up form goes to Future Trunks, motivated by the Zamasus' accusation that he was the catalyst behind everything that happened. As Future Trunks never obtained God Ki, I would think his new form would be the equivalent of a Super Saiyan 3, or if I were to highball it, Super Saiyan 4. Yet, for narrative purposes, this new form is likely nowhere near the form of Super Saiyan Blue in terms of raw power, let alone enough to defeat Black.

Finally, the episode doesn't explain still how Black gains his power and achieve the Super Saiyan Rose form. As Black constantly taunts Goku that it was the latter that gives him his powers, I'm guessing Black's power is relative to Goku's in some way.

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