Thursday, December 28, 2017

Quick Thoughts on DBS's Aniraza from Episode 121

Aniraza is a unique case in Dragon Ball wherein his brief, yet incredible performance raises a lot of What-Ifs. In context, the remaining fighters of Universe 3 fused to form the giant Aniraza. Despite his incredibly huge size, Aniraza is shown to be so powerful that it required team effort from everyone in Universe 7, including Frieza, to take him on. Goku and Vegeta activated their Super Saiyan Blue forms while Frieza used his Golden Form in this battle, along with Gohan who used his Awakened/Ultimate/Mystic form. In addition, it was Android 17 who figured out Aniraza's weakness that turn the tide into the Z Fighters' favor.

Given the fact that Aniraza is partly mechanical, he has the same attribute as the Androids in which he has a virtually infinite amount of stamina, allowing him to fight for long periods of time without ever tiring out.

Knowing that, questions arise if anyone could defeat Aniraza in a one-on-one battle without discovering his weakness. Would Goku be able to defeat Aniraza on his own if he were to use Ultra Instinct? It's certain Goku using UI can dodge all of Aniraza's attacks even if the latter uses wormholes to throw punches from a distance in various directions. But because the UI technique doesn't give Goku any kind of power boost, he may not be able to knock out Aniraza using pure melee or using a Kamehameha.

Would Vegito Blue be able to defeat Aniraza? Given that Goku and Vegeta already used their SSB forms and it was still insufficient to knock Aniraza out, this is a strong suggestion the two fusing to Vegito wouldn't make much of a difference. Even Kefla may not be powerful enough to defeat Aniraza on her own.

Which leaves the question if Jiren would be able to defeat Aniraza, as he, Toppo, and Dyspo did not particilate in the battle. Given that we don't know the full extent of Jiren's power, and that he is reserived to give his all exclusively to Goku, we honestly do not know at this point.

We can say to date that Aniraza is the most powerful opponent Goku has ever faced that is not a God of Destruction, and we may never see such a character again for the remainder of the show's lifetime.

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