Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Fighting For Fair Use Rights

Considering this has also happened to me on my channel, I figured I'd share this on how Fair Use works and how Hollywood and its allies curbstomp it despite being a legal right for anyone to use.

Other famous Youtubers have also joined the cause, including people like AlphaOmegaSin.

Obviously, I'm with them, but as noble as the cause is, we need more people to stand up to this and call in the support of more powerful entities to join us. It is an election year in the US, so if any one of the candidates has at least some sympathy for content creators like myself and others and can stand up to Hollywood, they deserve the vote. Such persons are a rarity, sadly as Hollywood heavily endorses members of the US Government to keep their seats in exchange for more power and control on the Entertainment spectrum at the cost of the common people like you and me.

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