Friday, February 12, 2016

re: Cartoon Hangover's "Apology"

Earlier, I watched the video from Channel Frederator where they try to explain themselves as to why there hasn't been anything new regarding Bravest Warriors, and Bee & Puppycat. And I am just simply even MORE furious than I've ever been in this manner. In the style of those so-called "reaction videos", and because I'm still pissed, I will play some of the clips from their video and my comments on them.

[sorry for lack of communication]

Well, no SHIT! Do they realize that the 3rd episode of Bee & Puppycat was uploaded in DECEMBER of 2014 and it wasn't until August  the following year, that the next two episodes came out?! Oh, and by the way, NOBODY can watch those episodes because it is EXCLUSIVELY to Kickstarter members! IT IS 2016 NOW AND THOSE EPISODES HAVE YET TO BE RELEASED ON YOUTUBE!

And where is Bravest Warriors among all this? NOTHING!

[why it takes so long because the runtime is longer]

So the reason it's taking you 2 damn years to produce six 11-minute episodes of Bravest Warriors Season 3 is because you made the runtime longer than the previous 2 seasons. What you're TRYING to say is that you made 12 episodes of Season 3 with the same runtime as the past seasons, then decide to pair the episodes so it looks longer, which is still the same season only with a combined format and a shorter episode number!

It would have been better if you guys say, "instead of airing these episodes one-by-one like we did in the past, we will release all the episodes at once for you to binge watch ala Netflix". But instead, you guys are mixing things up with these explanations that makes very little sense!

[tentative release dates]

Again, you already have the recent episodes of Bee & Puppycat already available to Kickstater members. WHY NOT RELEASE THEM NOW? They're already done! Your subscribers should be seeing them by now and we have to wait like what - the middle of 2016 to see them, and that's TENTATIVE?! That's like saying "we'll tease you by saying we'll have them out this year, but actually it's next year or the year after that, or that year after that....." F--- YOU!

["Fantastic Announcements" in the Works]

So you are delaying the releases because you have "announcements in the works"? WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN HAVING THESE TWO SHOWS UPLOADED TO YOUTUBE?!

[Frederator Studios doing the Animation]

Ok, so according to these guys, it's the very same Studio behind Adventure Time and The Fairly Oddparents that are doing the work on these two shows. So they are implying it is actually Frederator Studios who are at fault for not making these episodes fast enough, for reasons they never mentioned.

I will bite on this one. Let's assume that because Frederator Studios have this huge contract with Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, they have to dedicate the majority of their manpower and resources to produce episodes of Adventure Time and The Fairly Oddparents. And because of that, they don't have time to go back and do Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat. If that's true, and especially in the case of Bee & Puppycat, why the Kickstarter campaign then? The reasons we give our money to Bee & Puppycat is because we want it made and made on time! The money we give is for that very purpose! If this was such a problem, then it should be Frederator Studios themselves that should say "we're so busy with our other shows we just can't get into these right now", and should have said it long ago, and people will be ok with that. But now all that money we've donated just to have Bee & Puppycat made, is simply wasted because of these delays.

[updates and sneak peeks]

Again, the recent episodes of Bee & Puppycat are already finished and these guys still haven't decided to upload it to Youtube. You're basically ripping off your audience with this. So much so that, in case you haven't notice, those episodes have already been available elsewhere, thanks to your incompetence.

Another thing to note here is Ian Jones-Quartey, who plays Wallow in the series. For the past several months, Ian has been talking alot regarding Steven Universe, and more recently Ok KO. But not once, at least as far as I can remember, did Ian ever talked about what's going on regarding Bravest Warriors. I'm not criticizing him on anything as he's shown he's good in voice acting, directing, writing, storyboariding, and animating stuff, and he is eager to talk about the works he is involved with. But Bravest Warriors is just one series that he seems to be completly mum about it. It's as though implying despite the positive response of the series, it just went downhill.

I'd want to think that whoever is working on Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat are trying to do the same tactics the people behind The Venture Bros. did, in which there is a 2-3 year gap between seasons. But Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat are NOT like The Venture Bros. None of their episodes last for 30 minutes, nor do they have the same production value as The Venture Bros.

What about Baman Piderman? That took a long while before new episodes were made? True, but the Buteras did most of the production by themselves, with Mondo Media helping out a little bit but mostly as a distributor. That's understandable.

So we all go back to the simple reason why it's taking so long for Bravest Warriors and Bee & Puppycat to air new episodes, even though they're fairly short - the overall production of these two series is just that bad.

So Cartoon Hangover, consider yourself lucky you haven't received the same wrath from the Youtube community as they did with The Fine Bros. That said, consider me as one who is completely through with you. I don't care who's working on these shows. The fact that it's taking so long to have these made, and your hapharzard excuses for them is, as Lemongrab puts it.....unacceptable!

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