Saturday, November 5, 2016

Dragon Ball Super Ep. 65 Thoughts

As expected, Merged Zamasu takes action in this episode - by going Ki Blast after Ki Blast. This of course, is just a reflection of how Zamasu sees himself as a divine being and chooses to finish his Zero Mortals Plan by wiping everyone on Earth.

I still find that plot so ludicrous because Zamasu has everything he needed to complete it. Just that he's holding back for storytelling purposes. Reminds me of how Skeletor had everything that would make him ultimately defeat He-Man and rule all of Eternia, yet he loses anyway for the simple reason that he's the antagonist. I'm seeing the same kind of logic with Zamasu.

Trunks continues to be amazing as even against a merged Zamasu, he is able to hold out on his own. A shame that because the series focuses heavily on Goku and Vegeta, Trunks will not get his glory of putting Zamasu down. This is even more evident in the preview of the next episode.

Now here's the thing. If even after the fusion, it's still not enough to ultimately defeat Zamasu, you can pretty much kiss Battle Powers (Power Levels) goodbye, as at that point, it is no longer relevant. (Actually, that was slightly evident in the closing moments of this episode.)

Truth be told, it's a concern for me that DBS relies so heavily on the Power-Up Trope, as it has always been throughout the franchise. I've been wishing for the Mafuba to actually work so as to show that power isn't everything when going into battle. The Doctor Strange movie shows such an example as to how to defeat a very powerful foe without having to be powerful yourself.

So aside from the usual animation errors (baby hands) and scenes and dialogue meant specifically to fill for time, (because the next arc won't be announced until December) the episode has plenty of good action and a really amazing Ki Battle. Next episode will be a "slobber-knocker" as WWE's Jim Ross would say, and here's hoping it would be amazing and Toei doesn't screw it up animation-wise.

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