Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Welcome, MPX Visitors!

As you may or may not know, I run the podcast series "Mastertoons Podcast Xtended" (or MPX) as a spin-off of the "Mastertoons Podcast" on Youtube, where I give my own thoughts, news, and reviews on Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Games, Movies and beyond. It's been over a year since I began doing this series (though I actually did it a bit longer under a different name), and I thank my supporters for checking my channel out. As a way of reaching out to a new audiences, I've decided to create a Blogger site.

I originally wanted to name the place as "mastertoonspodcastxtended", but that's such a very long name for a website and shortening it just gives me errors (a problem I have similarly when I was shopping for a domain name). I also tried "animationnation", which was the name of my Facebook group (you can visit it here), but it was also taken.  So I came up with the name "Toon Inferno" as it was the only thing I could think of for a name of this site.

The purpose of Toon Inferno is for me to post news links, articles, videos, and personal thoughts on the world of Animation and beyond. It also serves as an alternate for those who, for whatever reason, can't access my Facebook group page, of which I post stuff there on a regular basis. 

Hope you guys find this as good place to spot info on Animation and other stuff, and please if you haven't visited my Youtube channel yet, check it out from the link below:

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