Saturday, September 10, 2016

In case you haven't noticed, I've slowed down.

You're probably wondering why I haven't been posting here as of late, as is in Facebook and most especially on my Youtube channel. Well, I actually have to slow down my activities to a great degree.

I have obligations that will have me get occupied from morning until evening, with my downtime for chow and rest. It doesn't help that among them is me taking a 3-mile walk to another place (i don't have a vehicle and no public transport can take me to my destination) and back on weekdays.

On the bright side, all that walk will help me hatch my eggs in Pokemon Go, but sadly, there are like just 2 Pokestops and 99% of all spawns are common ones. I am thinking of taking advantage of my 6 mile (10km) walk by doing a watered-down version of Saitama's training regimen.

Nevertheless, this pretty much means doing news and videos will take a huge hit, and the weekends are the only dates that I really have free time unless something else comes up. I am looking for ways to make the most of my situation so I can continue to be consistent with my postings.

Again, sorry for the big slowdown, but I am working on it.

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