Saturday, December 3, 2016

Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger (Space Team Kyuuranger) 1st Promo Image

I'll be honest, I pretty much moved on from the Super Sentai/Power Rangers franchise, because of the simple fact that it's been going on in like forever and is always aimed at the younger demographic. It'd be nice if the franchise does something to appeal to older viewers (Jetman, and by extension, Akibaranger comes to mind). Sadly, that ain't going to happen in this day and age, and Toei, which owns the Super Sentai franchise, wouldn't have it any other way since they make a lot of money every year with each installment.

That being said, hardcore fans of Super Sentai will enjoy this promo image of the next installment - Uchuu Sentai Kyuuranger.

Apologies for the bad quality, but this is the only one available as of this writing.

According to JEFusion, Kyuuranger will feature a team of 9 Rangers (thus the name 'Kyuuranger' as the 'Kyuu' referring to the Japanese number '9'), each one based on a planetary constellation. I personally do not recall a Sentai series that had more than 6 members, so unless I'm mistaken, this is the largest Sentai team in a series ever made. I do dig the costume design, though.

Kyuuranger willl debut in 2017 following the conclusion of the currently running Zyuohger series.

EDIT: Here is another scan of the series (much clearer, this time) and a possible release date being February 1st.

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