Thursday, June 2, 2016

Cartoon Network Pilots 2016 Review

Well, another year, and we have another round of pilots being pitched to Cartoon Network to hopefully become a brand new series. Strangely though only two new pilots have been released this year and it's been several weeks since they've aired. In any case, here's my review of these two new pilots.
The first one is 'Bottom's Butte' by Minty Lewis. Regular Show fans will remember her as the voice of Eileen, as well as one of the show's storyboarders. And I think she also did one of the shorts for Adventure Time before the Stakes episodes, though I can't really remember.

In Bottom's Butte, Beverly Bottom was a teacher who got bored with her job until one day her butt got so tight, her persona and intellect changed drastically, becoming a slacker/party animal, and spending time with her best friend Peanut. When Beverly accidentally destroyed a Slushee machine that is a primary asset of her family estate, she and Peanut then try to raise money to fix it. But Beverly's ideas and antics just go from bad to worse.

I kept getting facepalms a whole lot in this short because of how completely dumbfounded Beverly is, which shows just how much IQ she lost when she changed. And I couldn't help but see her as a female fusion counterpart of Mordecai & Rigby, but with some added personality of Carol from last year's 'Jammers' short, and the reduced intelligence. I also kept saying "WTFs" alot in this short rather than getting a laugh, let alone entertained.

Earlier this week, Cartoon Network released an interview with Minty Lewis as she explained the show and Beverly's character in detail. While it helped me understand the show and its characters a bit more, it didn't help me increase any appreciation on them.

I do remember last year that my niece and nephew enjoy the grossness in Jammers, and this one just has as plenty. Going back further, I remember also how much I enjoyed the slime bits on Nickelodeon's early years. Being an adult, I do find these things just being an absolute "NOPE". But I get it and that kids also dig these things, and I'm told the Tumblr community likes this as well. So, I'm giving Bottom's Butte a 1 out of 5 because I simply can't stand the grossness.

Having said that, I am very much aware that there are those who really enjoy the pilot. It's just not for me.


Apple & Onion is created by George Gendi, one of the storyboarders for The Amazing World of Gumball. Apple & Onion are two best friends whose childish behavior alienates them from their peers. After the two were accidentally invited to a party, Apple and Onion jump at the chance, but were told that it's a "grown-up party" and therefore must behave as such. The duo then got into a misadventure trying to act like grown-ups.

At first I was a little off because the animation was similar to Secret Mountain Fort Awesome, but the writing is just great and I got a lot of laughs out of it. And for the worrying parents out there, Apple and Onion also brings out a positive message on being yourself, so it's something kids can watch. Apple and Onion does have some weirdness in it, but it's quite subtle.

The only thing bad about Apple and Onion are the characters themselves. They are simply not charming or memorable like Gumball for example. So the writing is definitely what is carrying this pilot. If it goes bad, everything else goes down the drain. But considering the track record Gumball has with its writing and storyboard staff, and George Gendi being one of them, there is that confidence it'll go well if this becomes a full series. On a scale of 1 to 5, I'd give Apple & Onion a 4 out of 5.

And that is essentially it. If I were running CN and had to pick which one becomes a full series, I would go with Apple & Onion. Of course, there are others who would go with Bottom's Butte, and that's ok. As Cartoon Network recently released interviews with the creators online, it seems there is a possibility both of these will be picked up as a new series. Hopefully we'll find out for sure as it happens.


  1. So Apple and Onion is some type of counterpart of Pickle and Peanut?

  2. So Apple and Onion is some type of counterpart of Pickle and Peanut?
