Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Collider Now Pushing Voltron's "Transgender" Issue

Here's the headline that came out of my Google news feed and I actually took the time to read it.

You know, if Collider refers to Pidge's 'coming out' as a metaphorical representation of being transgender (much like how the X-Men is a metaphorical representation of diversity), I'd be ok with this. But Collider just pushes the idea that Pidge IS transgender when the entire narrative dictates completely otherwise.

In other words, Pidge has always BEEN a girl from the very beginning, and only assumed the identity of a boy to infiltrate the Galaxy Garrison undetected. She only 'came out' as a girl to everyone so there is no more secrets for her to hide and that she is in sync with the whole team. She is NOT transgender or anything of the sort by any means.

And does anyone from Collider or anyone else pushing for Pidge to be a transgender person ever heard of 'Mulan'?

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